THE MONTH IN REVIEW: October Highlights

Dani here!

As you might have seen, I’ve spent the last month in Bali on a working holiday and I thought I’d share my pro’s and con’s for working remotely:

✅ More Clarity
✅ Reset Time
✅ More Energy
❌ Time difference challenges
❌ Clients & Team miss you
❌ Internet can be a b*tch!

Whilst in Bali, I’ve been doing a lot of networking and industry research. I was lucky enough to experience these two beautiful spas – Bodyworks Spa and Goldust Spa. Do yourself a favour and book a visit if you head to Bali.

While I’ve been here, you may have noticed I’ve been doing a lot of Content Creation:

If you aren’t spending time creating content here’s why you may want to:

✅ Gets your message out there
✅ Helps with relatability
❌ Can be time consuming
❌ You have to watch yourself back ICK!

There were some big learnings this month, which I wrap up in my October video dump below ✌🏼

So what were my biggest learnings this past month:

You have to still show face in your business no matter what. Virtual doesn’t always work. 

This year has been heavily focused on my goal of launching the academy and consulting, and like most things, if you put your focus on one thing, other things can be impacted.

Personal life example: If you’re focusing on finance and career, sometimes your health or fun & adventure can be affected. Similarly to business!

Sometimes you have to take one step back to go two steps forward.

My clever friend reminded me this during my trip to Bali. This is the importance of having mentors and people that have been where you are. I had three people tell me the same thing but he spoke in my language. That’s the importance of understanding who you’re talking to.

He said as owners, we have to put our courage hats on and go back to basics when needed. The ego struggles with it, but if you ignore it, business will fail not only in revenue but in culture and client trust.

Over the next 6 months, you will see me being across all areas of the brand again – Owner, Management, Marketing, and Therapist.

HOW I hear you say? I schedule my next break in advance so I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Imagine your brand being SQUEAKY clean.

✅ Innovative process and routine
✅ The team is excited to come to work
✅ The clients are hyped again!
✅ and you’re all on the same mission with force. 

The last hiccup we had this month:

Sometimes you have to lose people in your team before you can move forwards. That’s a really hard one to swallow when you like a person and have invested so much into their career. 

But as they say ❌ Hire slowly, fire fast.

I want to leave you with a line I learned from a friend this morning: “The magic that you are looking for is the work you have been avoiding”

If you looking to take your business to the next level, I invite you to book a FREE strategy call with me!

Danielle xx